It has been a bizarre few weeks, something we will talk about for generations to come, when the world stood still as we hid inside from this invisible enemy that took so many lives. In the first week of lockdown I still had to go out to help a client with some website changes, therefore I headed out to see Brighton completely abandoned. It quickly got more lively within 1-2 weeks, but it was a truly bizarre scene, seeing the regularly packed beaches and tourist attractions completely empty.
I therefore decided to document it all and get as many pictures as possible. They have been sitting on my Google drive for the past month and I realised they would eventually be buried and probably never looked back on, but I don’t want them to disappear, I want to remember these odd moments in my life, so I’ve quickly loaded them all in this post for you to see.
To see no tourists taking photos outside of the Pavilion is rare, but even more rare is the opportunity to see Pavilion Gardens completely empty!

North Street
A usual bustling part of the city, North Street has plenty of shops and restaurants, while it is all a main street connecting you to some key parts of the town, leading up to the central Clock Tower.

Queen’s Road
The straight path from Brighton station to the beach, or what I see as the London tourist walking point, this road would now be impossible to achieve 2 metre social distancing, however it was completely empty for the week.

Jubilee Street
This photo is arguably my favourite, as this is a common route I take to visit multiple clients, where there are numerous pop-up events, not to mention the great tasting Chilli Pickle and buy one get on free on pina coladas from Las Iguanas.

Centre Of Brighton
All the windy streets and beautiful shops were left empty and taken over predominantly by seagulls as they tore into the abandoned black bags. I can’t help but wonder how confused the seagulls must have been, without their usual source of fish and chips delivered on a platter by drunk tourists.

It was also amazing to check out all the Brighton graffiti with nobody around.
Having a central flat offers a great opportunity to chill by the window and generally people watch, however this activity ended the moment lockdown kicked in!

The only busy area seemed to be the Brighton bike route along the seafront.